Bunkerjazz Session @Metzgerstreet
Special Session without Trumpet and Guitar.
Pieces: first encounter with „BOINK!“ (preview), „Song for my Father“, a rather lame version of „Work Song“, „Song for my Sister’s Dad“, „Walk Tall“ and „Silly Moments“ featuring Drums, Bass and ‚Bandvocalists leaving the house‘ because they wanted to go home on time, but Drums and Bass wanted to play ‚Stolen Moments‘. hehe. //
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Wanted for noise:
Andi on Tenor
Lance on Alt
Flo on Keys
Twenny on Drums
Charls on electric boxershorts‘ fake upright Bass
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As always, co-responsible for this is @Thullpromotion – thanks a million for letting us use your great TASCAM DR-40 Recording Device, Philipp. This time we hung it from the disco ball and let it spin so now with headphones it gives the illusion of hanging from the ceiling, spinning (slowly). Check it out! ;-)